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who is Christian Yang?

If there is only one thing you can say about Christian Yang, it will be that he makes you really want to cook. The chef’s down to earth personality and creative fun-loving approach to cooking makes you fall in love with food over and over again. He loves highlighting Hong Kong in his cuisine, taking every day ordinary dishes and making them extraordinary. 一提起楊尚友(Christian Yang)他為人最津津樂道的,就是他那極具創意及生動的烹調風格。為人風趣又對烹飪充滿熱情的他,喜愛用充滿香港人集體回憶的食物創作如爆谷味雞湯,絲襪奶茶雪糕等,啟發大家從平凡中尋找不平凡。

Raised in Hong Kong and Mauritius, he washed pots before attending hotel school in Switzerland. Christian trained in Michelin-starred restaurants across Europe; perfecting French, Japanese, Italian and Spanish cuisines. Christian父親為毛里裘斯華僑,他十多歲時已在香港、毛里裘斯,及法國的餐廳做兼職,由洗碗、洗碟、削薯仔皮做起,邊學邊偷師。之後他入讀瑞士洛桑大學的酒店管理及餐飲課程,其間更於歐洲多間著名米芝蓮星級餐廳接受烹飪訓練,使他在法國及日本菜方面建立了深厚的基礎及熱誠。

With a passion for ingredients, his knowledge comes from hands adventures in France, Portugal, Spain and Greece making wine, picking grapes, working in an abattoir, working on a chicken farm, picking olives, making chocolates,  and cooking Molecular Gastronomy.


食材是一位成功廚師致勝的關鍵,也正因為這個原因,讓 Christian 踏上了他的美食探險之旅。Christian走訪法國、葡萄牙、西班牙和希臘等國家,在那裡釀酒、摘葡萄、摘橄欖、整朱古力、學習殺雞宰牛,了解各種食材特質及處理方法,令他更加懂得和尊重每種食材的背景,從而了解到如何以不同的烹調方法來特顯食材的風味。


Christian started his television career as a host for NOW TV’s show “Chef Corner” 煮角. In 2011, he competed in Asian Food Channel’s Next Celebrity Chef where he placed 5th of thousands of contestants. He then hosted the highly rated Food and Culture 味之天下 by RTHK alongside his mentor Martin Yan (Yan Can Cook). 通過主持NowTV飲食節目《煮角3》,Christian開始了他的幕前之旅。Christian更在2011年參加亞洲美食頻道的首屆名廚比拼,在亞洲數千參賽者中脫穎而出晉身前5名。之後更當上港台飲食節目《味之天下2》的主持,與名廚Martin Yan (Yan Can Cook)一起合作。這次,他重返NowTV主持新一季的《煮角》,更兼任製作工作。Christian另有成立Christian Yang Inc,提供飲食顧問服務,包括菜單菜設計、烹飪班和新派餐飲概念等,目前客戶包括騁珍樓旗下的概念酒吧Mamoz、海洋公園、惠而浦、法國食品協會, Ocean Park, 清熱酷, Whirlpool等。

Today he works as a host & production advisor for NOW TV’s food programs runs a creative food consultancy “Christian Yang Inc.” where he pushes boundaries for companies such as Whirlpool, SensaCools, Sopexa, Lee Kum Kee, OBE and Ocean Park.


Most importantly, he dedicates a lot of his spare time to teach children to cook and eat healthily with his cooking curriculum Kids Can Cook. He is perhaps the first chef in the world to develop a curriculum and teach children as young as 18 months how to cook.


Christian speaks English, French, Cantonese, Mandarin and Spanish.















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